Finished projects
Grant project supported by the Czech Science Foundation, no. GA403/06/0915. Project started 1.1.2006, finished 31.12.2008. The head of the project was Martin Lux, Ph.D. The total financial support amounted CZK 2.35 mil.
The main objective of the project is determine whether there exist "transitive", institutionally and culturally specific factors behind the high prices and low financial affordability of older and new owner-occupied housing in Prague, and to estimate their influence and the possible consequences of their elimination. If they are shown to have a significant influence the project's conclusions could signify an important shift forward in the field of European research on how the housing market functions. An analysis of the causes of the high prices of housing would also contribute to increasing the transparency of the Czech housing market and could become an important source of information for those who formulate housing and social policies. The methodological approach combines elements of econometric analysis and quantitative and qualitative sociological methods. The effort to identify the causes behind the rigidity of the housing market from the perspective of value orientations.
The project supported by the Ministry for Regional Development, no. WA-027-05-Z02. The project started 1.7.2005, finished 31.12.2006. The head of the project was Martin Lux, Ph.D. The total financial support amounted CZK 948,000.
The main goal of the project was to analyze the significance of the relation between housing tenure, existing and potential housing policy tools including rent regulation, on one side, and labour mobility, on the second side, in the Czech Republic. The weight of the direct influence will be estimated by comparison with the perceived significance of other barriers to labour mobility, such as specific cultural and social norms. Both quantitative (surveys) and qualitative (focus groups) sociological methodswill be applied to achieve the stated goal. The results of complete analysis of surveys´ data will be used to propose such housing policy options that would efficiently support higher labour mobility in the Czech environment.
Grant project supported by the Czech Science Foundation, no. GA403/03/0417. The project started 1.1.2003, finished 31.12.2005. The head of the project was Martin Lux, Ph.D. The total financial support amounted CZK 2.2 mil.
Following the successful practice implemented in the EU countries the purpose of the submitted project is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the financial affordability of housing and housing expenditures in connection with general changes in theconsumer behaviour of the Czech households; analysis of the social effectiveness and economic efficiency of current and potential housing policy instruments directed towards increasing financial affordability of housing (social housing, housingallowances); analysis of the social and economic consequences of existing or potential supplementary state intervention influencing the housing standards of Czech households (the residential environment regeneration, civil/tenant participation in housingadministration, modernisation of housing, private-public partnership in housing services or social housing). The main results of the research work were published in annual reports under the title "Housing Standards".
SUREURO (Sustainable Refurbishment Europe) was an acronym for one of the largest research projects supported under the 5th Framework Programme by the European Comission. Its main objective was the development of metodical and operative tools for sustainable refurbishment of existing European large housing estates. Theoretical outputs of the project are tested on pilot sites in participating countries.
Grant project supported by the Czech Science Foundation, no. P404/12/1446. The project started at 1.1. 2012 and will be finished at 31.12. 2015. The head of the project is Martin Lux, Ph.D.
A particular goal of the project is to make more effective use of sociological theory and methods in the analysis of housing demand. As the global economic crisis showed, the housing market has the potential to undermine the stability of the entire national and global economy. The standard econometric approaches failed to reliably and promptly detect the disequilibrium in the housing markets. The main objective of this project is to define alternative methods for detecting housing market disequilibrium by means of the extensive use of sociological methods. The analysis will focus on the influence of general social constructs and typical social interactions on housing preferences, expectations, and the actual choice. The project should strengthen the critical discourse in international housing research. It will contribute to a better understanding of the specific features of the housing market in the Czech Republic and specific housing attitudes of Czech citizens. Its findings will serve a broad range of other goals, such as contributing to the formation of Czech housing policy.