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Socioekonomie bydlení

Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i.



Housing means different styles, ideas and opportunities



Basic and applied research



Quantitative and qualitative sociological research methods


Housing markets

House price indices, booms and busts, fundamental factors



We published, edited or co-edited 13 books, 3 of them for international audience. We published more than 50 articles in peer-reviewed journals, more than 30 articles in international journals.


Grant projects

We were leaders or participated in solution of more than 15 grant projects, 5 of them were international projects. The outcomes (results) of most of the projects were evaluated as "outstanding". Martin Lux received in 2012 the Award of the Chair of the Czech Science Foundation for outstanding results of the project "Social Inequalities and the Market Risks Following from Housing Consumption. The Real and Desirable Response of State Fiscal and Monetary Policies".


Conferences and surveys

We organized or co-organized 4 international conferences, the European Network for Housing Research 2009 conference beeing the most important one. We conducted 2 representative national housing attitudes surveys any many more smaller surveys as a part of projects' solutions.


Conference speakers presented most interested research findings gathered during solution of the reserach project "Regional disparities in availability and affordability of housing, their socio-economic consequences and tools directed to increase availability and affordability of housing and decrease the regional disparities" supported by the Ministry for Regional Development. Moreover, they will introduce modified or completely new housing policy tools (like for example, system of guaranteed housing) which would:

  • increase availability and affordability of housing;
  • decrease the regional disparities in availability and affordability of housing;
  • decrease negative socio-economic consequences of low availability and affordability of housing and high regional disparities in availability and affordability of housing - especially consequences on demographic behaviour patterns of young generation, flexibility of labour and spatial social segregation of households endangered by unaffordability of housing;
  • increase availability of particular types of housing especially in regions where there is high discrepance between housing supply and housing need (housing demand) of particular types of housing;
  • increase availability of housing through particular effective and efficient tools on housing refurbishment;
  • increase availability of housing through the introduction of new forms of rental housing.

As conference speakers were invited also famous housing researchers from the Netherlands (Peter Boelhouwer and Hugo Priemus) and from the Scotland (Suzanne Fitzpatrick).

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