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Acronym HELPS means Housing and Home-care for the Elderly and Local Partnership Strategies in Central European cities.

Grant project supported by the European Regional Development Fund.

Programme: Active ageing in the CENTRAL EUROPE

 Duration: October 2011 – September 2014


The overall objective of the project is to foster innovative housing and care solutions for elderly and vulnerable people (younger and older) with a view to increase their autonomy. These actions may refer to management solutions in integrative housing, the participation of the elderly and vulnerable groups in the coordination of relevant stakeholders, etc. In territorial terms the interventions refer to the immediate residential and neighbourhood level of these groups.

The project promotes a strategy of policy integration and innovative interventions articulated on three intertwined levels:

  1. the individual and the environment;
    • planning and realization of living spaces and urban infrastructures that are accessible for and adapted to all, in particular to the elderly but not only, through new technologies able to reduce spatial isolation.
  2. the individual and society;
    • delivery of quality care services and decrease in social segregation of vulnerable groups through social and community networks at neighbourhood level able to involve different stakeholders.
  3. the individual and the public services;
    • enhancement of social cohesion and financial sustainability of services through new models for the organization and management of both public and private resources allocated for the care of vulnerable groups.

Target groups

 Common Challenges

  1. The access to information to overcoming practical obstacles preventing from leading healthy and active lives within the chosen living environment.
  2. The application of accessibility criteria in urban planning and housing design to reducing spatial segregation and facilitating life at home for all.
  3. The empowerment of human resources dedicated to in/formal homecare.
  4. The cross-cutting contribution of ICT to the individual autonomy, considered both in terms of wider access to technology and market potential.
  5. The involvement of local neighborhood communities in the development of forms of social citizenship to reconstructing social links based on reciprocity and solidarity.
  6. The sustainability and efficiency of care systems.

Expected outcomes

Sustainability of the outcomes

Demographic change has far reaching implications for our societies and economies. The implementation of strategies, programmes and projects provides a more differentiated picture of the implications of demographic change and the challenges cities and regions face. Taking ageing and shrinking together, demographic change will generally be stronger in future (2004-2030) than it was in the past (1990-2004).

Financial sustainability is ensured through a needs-driven and efficient provision of services/solutions for the targeted population group, avoiding over-institutionalisations and fostering self-help and autonomy.

The innovativeness of the piloted solutions linked with the mainstreaming activities for the most successful outcomes will ensure sustainability of the adopted solutions and procedures.

Considering institutional and political sustainability, the ownership through stakeholders and the diffusion and assumed long term demand for similar actions will ensure sustainable structures.

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